Mooncake Boxes

Mooncake Boxes Previous Next Mooncake Boxes for Alluring Presentation Looking to buy adorable Mooncake Boxes for an amazing display? You are at the right place. Mooncake is one of those sweet things that is loved by almost every individual. Despite their age difference, gender, or anything else. They are loved and adored by everyone. Not only for […]

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Printing Tips 品行業專業詞彙

紙品行業的理解和認識 嗨,大家好,我是深圳市奔達有限公司. 閒暇之餘給大家分享一些自己對於紙品行業的理解和認識,紙貨架、彩盒的同行們非常受用哦。 彩盒紙用紙分別以單粉咭 ClS-Coated One Side Board 為主導線, 概括可分為:   粉灰咭 Duplex Board CCNB -Clay Coated News Back 灰芯灰底 CCWB -Clay Coated White Back 灰芯白底 白芯单粉咭纸 SBS-Solid Bleached Sulphate 漂白化学木桨 黄芯咭 白面微黄芯单粉咭纸 BCTMP-Bleached Chemical Thermal-Mechanical Pulp 漂白化学木桨和热解化学机械漂白木桨 白色底层可分为三种以供印刷效果不同之需, 作为底部加印之用, 分别有白斑底、白底和白底加轻粉 粉面黄底咭纸 CTMP-Bleached Thermal-Mechanical Pulp 纯热解化学机械木桨 其他的咭纸类则按个别所需情况而作出恰当的选购, 有:   双粉咭 C 2 S-Two Side Coated

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